Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 2: A Single Brushstroke Down

Light dawns, and any talk of proof
resembles a blind man’s cane at sunrise.             1

Remember the passage,
We are with you wherever you are.

Come back to that.
When did we ever leave it?                                    2

No matter we’re in a prison of forgetting
or enjoying the banquet of wisdom,
we are always inside presence.                             3a

Drunkenly asleep, tenderly awake,
clouded with grief, laughing like lightning,
angry at war, quiet with gratitude, we are nothing
in this many-mooded world of weather
but a single brushstroke down,
speaking of presence.                                            3b

*The word Allah in Arabic begins with a strong downward mark.

My thoughts:

I think that this poem has 3 parts to it. I've taken the liberty of numbering each part at its last line. My apologies if it breaks your flow while reading.

Part 1 is beautiful, even though it's just 2 lines. Asking for proof of a Higher Power, that one has been enlightened with, seems like asking for a cane at sunrise, just like a blind man would. 

Questions for reflection: Am I 'blind' ? Wouldn't I rather be 'blinded' ?

Part 2 was quite unclear to me. It seems like Rumi is having a dialogue with his students or with one of his spiritual friends (and there were 4 or 5 of them beginning with Shams of Tabriz...they are listed out and mentioned in Coleman Barks' introduction to 'Essential Rumi'). Through the dialogue, he seems to be reminding his readers that the Universe is always with us. Through the assertion of ego, the sense of self as separate from others, we only seem to be challenging that. He exhorts us to return to the idea that the Universe is always with us.

But, I really would like some guidance with this part 2.

Part 3a: Whether we are in the prison of our own ego-asserted world (I did this / I made it happen / I cause and so and only so effects happen) or whether we have transcended that and have become wise, we are always within the realm of the All-Knowing and All-Mighty. (what Rumi calls 'presence'). Once we understand this part 3b seems obvious enough, especially with the help of the asterisked footnote. 

While Rumi's work is quite obviously anchored in spirituality, what makes his poetry alluring is the use of different metaphors (the blind man's cane, the prison of forgetting, the banquet of wisdom...) to bring alive various aspects of it - if only to help the populace internalise spirituality through the reading of his works.

More next week, but in the meantime, we / I would love to hear from you, either here or within the facebook group!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 1: A Just-Finishing Candle

Day 1: A Just-Finishing Candle

A candle is made to become entirely flame.
In that annihilating moment it has no shadow.
It is nothing but a tongue of light describing a refuge.
Look at this just finishing candle stub
as someone who is finally safe from virtue and vice,
the pride and the shame we claim from those.

What do I make of this?

The beauty of Rumi is that we, each, make something out of his verse depending upon where we are in terms of life's circumstance, life's experience and wisdom. 

To me, the candle is I. I, not as in Parampal but as in the sense of self or ego - the sense of consciousness that separates me from others. I think that what Rumi is trying to say is that when the ego is annihilated or destroyed, what is left is pure brightness or a union of the individual with the universe. The 'refuge' that he talks about is the physical body that is illuminated by Universal Light when the ego is annihilated. And when does the ego cease to exist? When one accepts that one is charged with the energy of the larger Whole (...a candle is made to become entirely flame).

The 'just finishing' candle stub is the person who is maturing. As a person matures, he/she becomes wiser. Wisdom brings the ability to see things are they are without getting affected by them...deriving no pride nor feeling any shame from either virtue or vice.

What do you make of the poem? Let me know in the Comments section below! Always happy to learn from you.